Pick the products you are interested in, and at the last step of the order process (just before you choose your payment methode, shipping will be marked as free !
Packages are generally shipped within 24 to 48 hours after receiving your payment.
The standard delivery mode is international shipping by post. This delivery method does not allow us to provide you with a link to track your package. We will do it as soon as the feature is offered by the transporter.
You also can opt for fast delivery by FedEx. With this method of shipment, we will provide you, as soon as the package is delivered to FedEx, with a link that allows you to track online delivery of your order.
Shipping charges include packaging, handling and postage. Regardless of the delivery method chosen, the rate varies according to the weight of your order. We advise you to group your items in one order. We can not group two distinct orders and you will have to pay postage for each of them.
Your package will be dispatched at your own risk, but special care is taken in the packaging of all our packages.
You can estimate your shipping costs by adding the products you are interested to your cart and following the steps.
Please let us know through this contact form » if you have any question or request for information.